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Search: Desoldering *Station[^A-Za-z]

Topics in Library web: Changed: now 09:01 GMT Changed by:
ChippingOBD0PM6 05 Nov 2006 - 15:41 - r1.2 Home.synoptic
OBD0 ECU Chipping If you have a OBD0 ECU, chipping the ECU might not be straightforward. Almost ALL 90-91 PM6, PM7, PR4 and PP5(with catalytic converter) ECUs had ...  
DesolderingIron 29 Mar 2004 - 21:32 - NEW Home.blundar
A desoldering iron is a SolderingIron made specially for desoldering. Generally they have a hollow tip iron combined with a DesolderingTool of some variety. I've yet ...  
DesolderingStation 19 Feb 2004 - 22:01 - NEW TWiki Guest
Standalone desoldering stations are by far the most effective (and most expensive) tools for desoldering. They generally consist of a hollow-tip SolderingIron, a vaccum ...  
IntroductionToECUChipping 12 May 2006 - 09:00 - r1.10 Home.hondainfo
Introduction to ECU Chipping by David Blundell Please feel free to link to this article, but "mirroring" is highly discouraged, as you will not automatically receive ...  
WhatYouNeed 11 Apr 2005 - 22:19 - r1.6 Home.drdisco69
"Chipping" an ECU means replacing the program running the ECU . Chipping is just slang. What we actually do is program (or "burn") a new bin file to the ROM to replace ...  

Number of topics: 5

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